Sunday, December 27, 2015

ActivInspire Setup with Touch

      If you have an Epson projector, these steps will help ActivInspire work better with the interactive touch.

1. Under FILE, go to SETTINGS.


3. Check to see that these are the options you have selected.
  • Touch Input - Touch and ActivPen
  • Touch Interoperability - Default
  • Default Tool for Touch - recommend SELECT
  • Default Object Interaction Mode - Any
  • Enable Page Turn Gestures - your choice (if you don't like pages to turn with a swipe, uncheck this box).
  • Enable Touch Pen and Zoom - recommend uncheck this
4. Click DONE to save the changes.  

Epson Brightlink Projector Training

Click here for notes from the Dec. 12th training.  Includes links to Epson's website for other tutorials.

Click here for the Epson Brightlink Projector User's Guide

Using Raz-Kids

       Here's information about how to use Raz-Kids.  This post was originally written for parents, you can link to that post in Mr. Mott's Home-School Connection blog.

Raz-Kids can be accessed through a computer, phone, or tablet (Click here to download the app).  Here's directions on how to use Raz-Kids...
  1. Go to  (There is a link from our Student Links page.)
  2. Put in our class name (see log-in information).  You will only need to put in our login information the first time you access the site through a new device.
  3. Have your child find their name and put in their password.
  4. They are set to go!
Here's some helpful information about what you'll see...

When you click on Reading Assignments or Book Room, your child will see a list of books with these options.  (Quizzes are not available on AA Books)...

  • Listening - the story will play for students with text being highlighted as it is read.  Students earn stars for each story they listen to.  The points can be redeemed to personalize their avatar or build a rocket ship.
  • Reading - students may read the text at their own pace.  Students earn stars for each story they read.  
  • Recording - When in the Reading window, click on the down arrow.
  1. Click the microphone. 
    1. It will ask your permission to access the microphone.
    2. Then, it will ask you to say your name to test the microphone.
    3. Then, it will begin recording.  Use the buttons to stop recording, play, new (redo), or send (to me).
Click on the microphone to record.
Choose record, stop, play, new (redo), or send.
  • Students earn stars for each story they record.  I can also reward extra stars after I listen to the recording.
  • Quizzes - After listening or reading a story, students may take a comprehension quiz.  They click on letters to answer the question and on the words to have the choices read to them.  Students can earn stars for each quiz they complete.

If your child chooses to go into the Book Room and clicks on "More Books," these will be the options that come up....

Click here if you would like to learn more about Raz-Kids.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Fixing Objects Size

         With the new projectors being touch capable, it is now extremely easy to resize objects in flipcharts, which of course can be very annoying during lessons.  Here's how to fix objects so you can't resize the object using touch, but still move them around the screen.  If after the fact you need to adjust the size of an object, switch over to edit mode (click on blue icon to make it orange), then you can resize the object.  

1. First, click on the object you would like to fix so it can't be resized.

2. Right click on the object and select PROPERTY BROWSER (or click F9).

3. The Property Browser will open up.  Scroll down to the bottom and click RESTRICTORS.  (It may already be expanded, it depends on if you've used the Property Browser before).

4. Find CAN SIZE.  Click on the pull down menu. 
5. In the pull down menu, select NO.

6. Then, save your flipchart to save the changes.  You will still be able to move the object around the chart, but you won't be able to resize the object unless you switch the design mode to edit (orange square).  

Another option...

  • You can select the next menu down - INTERACTION MODE.
    • Change it to PEN ONLY.  This way students or you can't move it without using a pen.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Frozen Mouse on Laptop

        If you have a mouse frozen where it won't move, it means a student turned off the mouse control on the laptop.  Press the red FN key (bottom left) at the same time as you hit F5 key.  This will turn the mouse pad back on.  Thank you to Robin for sharing this information!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hooking Up to Epson Projector (Serial Cable)

      In our district there are two ways to hook a computer up to an Epson Projector - using HDMI or Serial cable.  All desktops are hooked up via Serial cable, USB, and Audio.  In this post, we'll learn how to connect using serial cable (with USB for touch/pen and Audio cable for sound).  This post is if you need to unplug the serial cable from the desktop in a room and connect it to your laptop (Mac users require a Thunderbolt adapter to serial connector to accomplish this).  
  • I recommend using the HDMI connection if you're hooking your laptop up for a quick presentation - it only requires two wires.  Click here to see how to use HDMI instead of serial cable connection.  
  • **If you have an extra serial cable in the room, connect it to your laptop.  Disconnect the desktop serial cable connection at the wall outlet and connect your laptop's connection.  See below how to switch the input if you're seeing a blue screen.**
  • The picture below shows the different options at the wall outlet.

Here's how to connect your laptop to the projector if you have to disconnect the projector from a desktop computer...

1. Disconnect the serial cable at the back of your desktop.  **Make sure that it's unscrewed before pulling it out!**

2. Connect the serial cable to your computer.  **Make sure the prongs are aligned before pushing in AND you should screw it in to ensure that the connection doesn't get jostled and bend the prongs.** (This will take care of the picture).

3. Disconnect the audio cable from your desktop.  Plug it into your laptop.  (This will take care of sound).

4. Disconnect the USB cable from your desktop.  Plug it into your laptop. (This will allow touch and pens to work).

5. Turn the projector on using the power button on the projector or use the remote.
6. If you have a blue screen, you must change the input to COMPUTER 1.  You can use SOURCE SEARCH on the remote or the projector (see above picture) or use the menu on the board following these steps...
  • Click on the bottom right of the board.  Click on the up arrow.

  • Select the INPUT icon.

  • Select COMPUTER 1.

    • If your computer has never been connected to an Epson Projector, it may take 30 seconds to 1 minute for it to set up the drivers.  A message will pop-up in the bottom right corner when the drivers are installed.  It'll say something like "your USB device is now installed."  
    • Now you are set to go!
    • Mac Users - Pens will work, but on my computer I couldn't get touch to work (as of 12/16/2015).  

    • If you want to interact with the computer from the board, make sure you are in PC Interactive Mode (computer and mouse icon).  If you don't need to interact or only want to annotate over what's there, you can be in PC Free mode (projector and pen icon).  Click here to learn the differences between the two.
    • In another post, I will share tips and tricks for using ActivInspire with the Epson Projector - dual mode, touch input, and multi-users.

    Epson Projector Tools Menu

          The Epson Projector's toolbar is built into the Projector.  Keeping that in mind, you can not save any annotations you make with the Epson Toolbar (except with a camera - phone/digital/or tablet).

    • If you select Whiteboard mode, you can choose from different grids or lines that will be projected onto the board for you.

    Epson Projector Menu

           The Epson projector has a menu allowing you to control actions of the projector - Power, Input, Zoom, No Show, Freeze, and volume controls.  So if you remote dies, you still can use your projector.  Here's how to access the menu...

    1. Click on the bottom right corner of the board.  Click on the up arrow.  The Menu bar will appear.

    2. Select what tool you would like to use.  (If you need to change between PC Mode and Projector mode, select the PC Interaction icon or Projector Interaction icon (upper right).

    Hooking Up to Epson Projectors (HDMI Connection)

            In our district there are two ways to hook a computer up to an Epson Projector - using HDMI or Serial cable.  This picture shows the different types of connections that can be used with the projector.  In this post, we'll learn how to connect using HDMI.  This is the easiest method as you only need to connect the HDMI cable and the USB cable to your laptop....

    1. Plug the HDMI cable into the top box (see picture above).  Connect the other end to your computer.

    2. Plug the USB cable into the bottom right connection on the wall.  Connect the other end to your computer.

    3. Turn the projector on using the power button on the projector or use the remote.

    4. If you have a blue screen, you must change the input to HDMI 1.  You can use SOURCE SEARCH on the remote or the projector (see above picture) or use the menu on the board following these steps...
    • Click on the bottom right of the board.  Click on the up arrow.

    • Select the INPUT icon.

    • Select HDMI 1.

    • If your computer has never been connected to an Epson Projector, it may take 30 seconds to 1 minute for it to set up the drivers.  A message will pop-up in the bottom right corner when the drivers are installed.  It'll say something like "your USB device is now installed."  
    • Now you are set to go!
    • Mac Users - Pens will work, but on my computer I couldn't get touch to work (as of 12/16/2015).  

    • If you want to interact with the computer from the board, make sure you are in PC Interactive Mode (computer and mouse icon).  If you don't need to interact or only want to annotate over what's there, you can be in PC Free mode (projector and pen icon).  Click here to learn the differences between the two.
    • In another post, I will share tips and tricks for using ActivInspire with the Epson Projector - dual mode, touch input, and multi-users.