Friday, June 12, 2020

Tech Update Email from 5/28/2020

I just wanted to share some Tech Updates.  I have included some programs that I know are being used in some buildings, but not others.  Some of programs that are mentioned have free versions that will still be usable to us even if we don't purchase licenses (Kami, Seesaw, PearDeck, Nearpod), while others are free (ClassDojo, Remind, Google Classroom, etc).  Even though we are winding down, I thought it might be helpful for everyone to be aware of features of different resources as we discuss in the coming weeks what resources we will use next year.  All these free trials won't be here next year :).  

General Technology Updates
  • ​Kami
    • Our trial has been extended through the end of the year (June 30th)!
    • Please note that after June 30th (unless we purchase licences), we will revert back to the free version.  Click here to see the comparisons!
    • Here's a document to help with students who say they completed the work, but are turning blanks in (their device is opening a different app so the work isn't transferring to Google Classroom).  
    • Reminder - you can record a video of yourself, your voice giving directions, or modeling a lesson with Kami (as can your students)!
  • ​Google Docs
  • Zoom Updates
    • The Whiteboard feature is back!  You can use it to model things through annotations! 
    • At this time, recording your screen for the purpose of making a recorded lesson is blocked.  You will have to use Screencastify or a Screen Recording Program (like QuickTime on Mac or Screencapture on PC) to record what you are doing on the Whiteboard.
    • Students can now write on your whiteboard from their devices for collaboration activities!
  • Ideas on How to Model a Lesson / Whiteboard Ideas (Record your screen while using these resources).  (I recommend Screencastify for recording your screen).
    • ActivInspire - should already be loaded on your school laptop, but a free version can be downloaded here.
    • Zoom Whiteboard - create a meeting for yourself and then select Whiteboard under screen sharing options.
      • ​You can also connect a tablet or phone to a Zoom meeting and record that screen while you use Zoom Whiteboard, Kami, Seesaw, Google Drawing, etc on the device.
    • ClassFlow - (online version of ActivInspire) - can create activities with sorting objects/pictures.
    • Kami - has the same basic features as ActivInspire or Classflow and you can share it with the students to use as a tool.
    • Seesaw - has the same basic features as ActivInspire or Classflow and you can share it with the students for them to use as a tool.
    • Google Drawing
  • Creating Activities where students can respond to each other.
  • Parent Communication Apps - ClassDojo (FREE)
    • In Late Fall, they added a Calendar Feature.
    • ​Has added the ability to add a video message to the Class Wall!  
    • You can also now attach a picture or file to a message you send a parent.
  • Parent Communication Apps - Remind (I have not used this in a couple years, so I am not up-to-date on this app, sorry!).
  • Screencastify has extended their trial through June 30th!
Technology Updates Related to Live Lessons / Meetings​
  • Scheduling Meetings / 1:1 / Small Group
    • Need to schedule meetings?  Zoom is now integrated with SignUpGenius.  You can create a sign-up and attach the Zoom link to the meeting.  When the parent gets an email reminder for the meeting, included in the email will be the Zoom link.
    • We now have Zoom integration with Google Calendar / Google Classroom.  You can now schedule a meeting and attach a Zoom link to the meeting time without having to leave the Google Calendar from your Google Classroom!
  • Zoom Updates
    • ​The Whiteboard feature is back!  At this time, you can use it to model things and students can also write on the board.
    • We have Breakout Rooms available again - you can assign students to small groups for discussions (with an aide or other teacher in each group), then bring them back for whole group discussions. 
  • ​Tools for Creating Interactive Lessons for Students to Interact with
    • Classflow
    • Google Slides
    • Google Slides with Pear Deck Extension (geared towards elementary)
    • Google Slides with NearPod Extension (geared towards middle/high school)
    • Kami
    • Padlet / Google Keep
    • Seesaw ​(students interact on their own file, then send it to the teacher who can share it with everyone)

Monday, June 1, 2020

Using Seesaw

In this post, I will share tutorials on how to use Seesaw...

  • Overview of Seesaw - get a quick view of all the features of Seesaw and where things are at!