Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Make a Copy of a Slideshow for Each Student Without Having to Make One For Each Student!

I found this YouTube video about a trick on how to make a copy of one slideshow for each student without having to make a slideshow for each student!  In theory, this will also apply to Google Docs and Google Sheets.

According to this video, you would...

  • Set the permission level of the slideshow to anyone with the link can view.
  • When in the editing view, remove 'edit' from after the '/' and change it to 'copy.'
  • Then, copy-paste that new link into whatever platform you are using (Schoology, Seesaw, Google Classroom, Canvas, ClassDojo, Classroom Blog/Website, etc!).
When the students access the link, it will prompt them to 'make a copy' themselves before moving forward, which will keep the original slide in it's original condition!

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