Saturday, January 18, 2020

Going Paperless (for Teachers) with Kami

Here are the steps I recently went over with teachers during our workshop in getting ready to use Kami.  These steps are to help you put in place a system that replaces using paper and pencil for many teacher tasks.  This is how I manage using Kami with Google Drive; however, there are a couple different ways that you can use Kami and organize your files.

Step 1 - Log in to the Chrome Browser using your school account information.

  • If you have assessments that you would like to use with Kami, make sure they are uploaded to your Google Drive or if a folder has been shared with you, make sure you add it to your 'My Drive."
Step 2 - Add a folder to your bookmarks bar.
  • Learn how to show your bookmarks bar, add folders to it, and add websites to those folders.
  • Don't forget to bookmark Kami!
  • This is not neccessary, but will be a big help organizationally if you are toggling between a desktop and an iPad or other device.  
  • Click here to see how to add the Booksmark bar to your screen across different platforms.

Step 3 - Go to and create an account.

  • Verify in the settings that you are automatically synced with Google Drive and that you 'install' the Chrome extension to your Chrome browser.
Step 4 - Open a file through Kami's website and bookmarking it.
  • Here you will learn an organizational trick when it comes to using Kami for Assessment or other teacher purposes.
Step 5 - Opening a file and using Kami to annotate on an assessment or other document.
  • Here you will learn what to do when you are assessing a student or using Kami with some other document.
Step 6 - Using Kami with an assessment that is given multiple times a year.  (Using the 'Make a Copy' Feature)
  • Here you will learn a trick for those assessments that you give to all your students multiple times a year.  
Step 7 - Organizing your files in Google Drive.
  • Here you will learn how to organize your files to make it easier to manage all the documents you will be creating.
Tips and Tricks - How to Create Your Own Checklists / Notetaking Tools to use with Kami.

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