Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Organizing and Printing Student Roster from PowerSchool

1. Open Gradebook.  (Click here for how to access Gradebook through Power School).

2. Click on REPORTS.


4. A new window will open:
5. Choose what information you would like and how it is organized.  The blank boxes under Parent Info are for if you want to put in your own column headers.  A sample of what the headers will look like will appear on the bottom.

  • Option - you may click on the LAYOUT tab and add additional notes, headers, or footer notes.
6. When ready to run the report, click on RUN REPORT.

7. A window will open.  Choose if you would like to open the report or save the report.  Then, click OK.  If you select SAVE REPORT a window will open to choose where to save it.  If you select OPEN REPORT, a PDF will open for you to print out.  Click OK.  Then, you should be all set.  If the chart is off the paper in preview, check that the scaling is set to FIT TO PAGE in the print dialog box.

Viewing IEP's Using Power School

1. Click on the backpack.

2. Click on a student's name (must have an IEP).

3. Click on SELECT SCREENS on the right side.  Then, select CENTRIS GROUP - IEP VIEWER.

4. An IEP Direct window will open up.

5. The IEP will then open in that window once it loads.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

docAppender Google Forms Add-On

       docAppender works with Google Forms.  It takes what is put into a Google Form into a Google Doc for you.  This is great if you would like to use Google forms to take notes while working with students or parents.  The information is exported to a Google Doc based on your preference - vertical table, horizontal table, or bulleted list.  For example, if you are taking notes in a Google Form about a writing conference with a student, the information will be collected in a Google Doc specific to that student for you.  This is great if you want to go paperless or have access to your notes anywhere anytime without dragging a binder around.

Ways to use docAppender:
  • Note taking on student's skills, academic progress, or behaviors.
  • Note taking on parent / teacher communication.
  • Quiz / Test Taking / Quick Checks for students to take and teacher grades in Google Doc.
  • Feedback / Survey