Sunday, January 3, 2016

Saving PDF from Site to Google Drive / Printing to Drive

       This post is helpful if you have a large PDF file that you want to save or only a portion of a large PDF file you want to save to Google Drive.  This is just like printing only certain pages of a document, but instead of printing the document out, you are saving it to your Google Drive to use again and again.

Ways to Use This Post

  • Save a specific unit from a larger PDF document.
  • Save an activity you want to reuse each year from a larger PDF document.
  • Save an article or PDF from a website (in this case, I saved the K ST Math Scope and Sequence to put in the Curriculum's Grade K Math Folder).

1. Make sure you are logged in to your Chrome account.

2. PDF's will pop-up in preview mode.  Move the mouse over the document, you will see the print icon appear in the top right corner.  (If what you want to print isn't in preview mode, go to FILE > PRINT).

3. A Print Preview window will open.  Go to DESTINATION and click CHANGE.

4. Scroll down to the section "Google Cloud Print."  Select SAVE TO GOOGLE DRIVE.

5. The destination will then say "Save to Google Drive" and will list underneath it the Google account it will send it to.  Click SAVE.

6. The file will be saved in your MY DRIVE folder.  To find it easily, go to RECENT.  It will be the first file in the list.

7. To change the file's name and location...
  • Click on the file.  
  • Click on the three dots OR right click on the file name.
  • Select your action - CHANGE NAME or MOVE TO.

  • If you move the file to a new folder, it will still appear in your RECENT folder, but it will also be in whichever folder you assigned it to.

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