Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sharepoint - Updating Spreadsheets

      Sharepoint is tricky when it comes to files.  You have 2 options after you upload your first spreadsheet!

Option 1: Save your information into an Excel document on your computer - then upload it.  You always must do this to start the year - when you need to upload your first data.

  1. Save your file with your name first then LA or Math spreadsheet where you will remember where its at :).
  2. Go to http://co-gboe-share/default.aspx.
  3. Go to your building's folder, then your grade level, the Math and LA Spreadsheets folder. 
  4. Click UPLOAD.
  5. Click CHOOSE FILE.
  6. Find the file and click OPEN.  The file will then upload to Sharepoint.  If it asks if you would like to overwrite an existing file, say YES!
  7. You will need to do this every time to update your spreadsheet on your computer.
Option 2: Edit the file in Sharepoint (only works if you are using Internet Explorer and are on a School Computer on the school network).  Once your data is uploaded the first time using Option 1, then you can use this option the rest of the year.

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Type in //sharepoint or click on this link: http://co-gboe-share/default.aspx.
  3. Go to your building's folder, then your grade level, the Math and LA Spreadsheets folder. 
  4. Click on the file you would like to edit.
  5. A window will pop up - click on EDIT!
  6. The file will open the spreadsheet using Excel on your computer, BUT you will be editing the file that is on Sharepoint.  Not a file on your computer.  So, when you click SAVE - it will update Sharepoint BUT it will not update the original spreadsheet you set up on your computer at the start of the year.  If you would like to save a copy to your computer, you can click SAVE AS and save a copy to your computer AFTER you click SAVE to update the Sharepoint file.

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