Thursday, September 11, 2014

Organization Tidbit

       If you open a specific file (like a flipchart, Spreadsheet, Word document, etc) often, there's a way to get to it without having to search in your documents or save it to your desktop.

1. If you have a file (say a morning meeting flipchart, LA Spreadsheet, Math spreadsheet, or lunch choice file), open the program it runs in.
2. Open the file.
3. Right click on the program icon on the task bar.
4. Find the name of the file you have open and click on the right side of it (a pin will appear).
5. The file will then 'pin' to the top of the list of files.  Next time you open the program, just right click on the program icon and select the file you want to open.  This works for websites in a web browser, flipcharts, word documents, excel documents, music files, presentations, etc.

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