Friday, August 29, 2014

New Way to Access Gradebook (Updated)

       There is a new way to access Gradebook besides logging in through PowerSchool.  This new way puts a shortcut to Gradebook on your desktop.  This way you can double click the Gradebook icon, then log in using your PowerSchool username and password.  Do this through Chrome as Internet Explorer and Firefox seem to have a problem with this process.  Please note that you may do this at home as well.  This also works on MAC!  Make sure you log in with proper capitalization (first letter of your first name and first letter of your last name must be capitalized: example: JDoe).   Click here to see a Google Doc version of this post.

1. Log in to PowerSchool.

2. Click on INSTALLER on lower left side (do not click Launch at this time).


4. Click on INSTALL.

5. Click on FINISH.

6. Now you will have a shortcut on your desktop to access Gradebook.  Or you can still log in to PowerSchool and click on LAUNCH.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Apps for Leveling Book

Need an app to level books?  Lauren found these apps...

Level It Books
Scholastic's Book Wizard - FREE

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Here are some additional resources to refresh your memory on AESOP as you return to school:

Here is the link to the Aesop Learning Center:

Here is the web guide:

For a Quick Start Guide or Mobile App guide, search for "FW: AESOP Reporting of Absences" email. 

Google App Basics Workshop Handout

Click here for directions on how to use Google Apps.

Using SchoolDude (New Help Desk Ticket System)

1. On any school computer, look for the Internet Explorer icon with SchoolDude listed on it or go to

2. (Only need to do this the first time on the computer you are using.) Enter the code: (See Email - New Help Desk Ticket System)

3. Enter your email address.

4. Make sure you are under IT Request, not Maintenance Request (just look at the tabs near the top.

5. Fill out the form with important information.   

6. At the end of the form, enter the password "helpme."  Then submit the form.  

7. You will get an email confirming it was submitted, then you will get another email when its assigned to a technician.  You will get another email when the job has been completed.

For further questions, email Carleen Davis: