Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Using the 'Smart Text' Feature for Report Cards in PowerSchool

         Here is a huge time saver when it comes to report cards!  You can create a comment template in PowerSchool, then use it for each student!  PowerTeacher will change the name and the pronouns to match the student!  Click here to watch a video go through this step-by-step!

Getting to Report Card Comments Section

  1. Go into PowerTeacher Pro.
  2. On the left side, click GRADING > Standards.
  3. Scroll right to go to Strengths and/or Goals (doesn't matter which one).
  4. Click on the box next to the student's name.
Adding / Editing a Comment Template
  1. After clicking on a box next to a student,  go to the COMMENTS tab on the top right.
  2. Click on SHOW COMMENTS BANK.  The district's options will come up.
  3. Click on the gear NEXT TO 'Show Comments Bank.'
  4. Click on MANAGE COMMENTS.  Now you can add or edit your comment templates!
  5. On the right side click ADD.  The 'Add Teacher Comment' box will open.
    1. Code - Type in a simple code to label your comment.
      • I do T1 LG for Trimester 1 Low Goal.  I do T1 LS if it's for Trimister 1 Low Strength.  This makes it easier to pick the right template later.  
    2. Category - You can use a category like LA, Math, Science, but I just leave it blank.
    3. Favorite - I leave this checked
    4. Comment - Here is where you put your template!  The dropdown menu is if you need to put in the 'code' for PowerSchool to fill in.  I just put what I need between the arrows <>.
      • Example: <first name> is able to identify some consonant and short vowel sounds and some of the sight words already introduced. <He/She> knows that letters carry a message and is starting to use beginning sounds in <his/her> writing. While reading, <he/she> uses the pictures to tell the story. In Math, <he/she> is able to count objects to 10.
  6. Click SAVE when you are done!  Now, you are ready to use your template for report cards!  Hit back on the browser or Go back to GRADING > STANDARDS > and click on a student you want to add a comment for!

Adding the Comments in For Each Student

  1. After clicking on the comment box next to a student's name, click on the COMMENT Tab (far right side).
  2. Click SHOW COMMENT BANK on the bottom.  All of your 'templates' will appear on the bottom.  Just click on the + to add it for the student!  Then, just proof read it and adjust the template to match the student!  
    • If you have 9 templates, you can use the Filter option to thin down to this trimester!  So, if I put in T1, only the codes with T1 will appear!
    • Some teachers have shared that they have 1 template, then use the fill option to fill in the rest with one template.