Thursday, December 3, 2020

Kami Work Around - Creating Lessons with Manipulative Activities (Sorts) for Live Lessons (Updated 1/31/2021)

      Kami has so many uses.  One thing that many teachers would like with this pandemic is the ability for a teacher to share an activity (through a distant lesson) with students where the students can move and/or sort objects live.  At the moment, kids can't simply drag and drop or move anything the teacher puts in the document (or any of their peers for that matter) when working inside of Kami.  Here's a way you can work around this with only a couple extra steps....

Teacher Steps (Nothing real different from what you already do!)

1. Create the Kami document.  (You can import from Google Drive, upload from your computer, use the blank document feature in Kami, etc.)

    • Please note, you cannot import a Google Slides or other document that is setup for manipulation into Kami.  It will lock the images down.  You will need to remove the manipulative images, import it, and bring the manipulative images back in in Kami.
2. Share it with the students.  (Make sure all settings in the Kami document and the Google file are set to 'anyone can edit.')
    • Make sure all settings in the Kami document and the Google file are set to 'anyone can edit.'

Student Steps

1. Open the document.

2. Click on the SELECT tool.


4. Click on the object they wish to use.

    a. Click on the object.  A menu will open with the options 'Copy,' 'Paste,' and 'Delete.'

    b. Have them select COPY, then click PASTE.

    c. They will then have a copy of the object to move about as they please!

    • This is helpful in that kids can't delete what you put into the document.
    • Con - Remember - just like a student can't move or edit your object, you can't edit or move their objects that they create!  
      • You can 'turn off' their work on the document by clicking on their name icon on the bottom.  
      • If you need a clean slate, you will need to go to FILE > VIEW ALL > MAKE A COPY.


UPDATE FROM 1/31/2021 - There has been some confusion on whether or not you can use Kami and have kids complete sorts.  As noted above, not in a sychronous unless you do the steps above.  You can in a asychronous setting if you create the activity in Kami, then assign it to the students through an LMS (like Canvas, Schoology, or Google Classroom (not Seesaw).  The LMS creates a copy for the student to complete the task, so they are able to manipulate the objects you put in to sort!