Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Make a Copy of a Slideshow for Each Student Without Having to Make One For Each Student!

I found this YouTube video about a trick on how to make a copy of one slideshow for each student without having to make a slideshow for each student!  In theory, this will also apply to Google Docs and Google Sheets.

According to this video, you would...

  • Set the permission level of the slideshow to anyone with the link can view.
  • When in the editing view, remove 'edit' from after the '/' and change it to 'copy.'
  • Then, copy-paste that new link into whatever platform you are using (Schoology, Seesaw, Google Classroom, Canvas, ClassDojo, Classroom Blog/Website, etc!).
When the students access the link, it will prompt them to 'make a copy' themselves before moving forward, which will keep the original slide in it's original condition!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Using Google Slides with Pear Deck and Sharing It With Students

      Pear Deck is a great add-on in Google Slides.  It allows you to add audio directions to your Google Slide and allows student interaction with your slides.  This is a great way to get feedback from students (especially at the younger grades).  With Pear Deck, you can have students respond with a text answer, multiple choice, number, have them go to a specific website, draw on the slide, or drag something to answer.  Students' answers are only visble to you (unless you choose to share it with the kids after a lesson or during a live lesson!  In this blog post, I will show you step-by-step how to setup and use Pear Deck with your students through video tutorials....

How to Get the Pear Deck Add-on and Use It with Students
  1. How to get the Pear Deck add-on:
  2. How to open Pear Deck in Google Slides and Overview of the Menu:
  3. How to add audio to a Google Slide:
  4. How to get the link to share with students and share on different platforms:
     Google Classroom Seesaw
     This can be done with Schoology, Canvas, and
    any other platform.  I just have experience with
    Google Classroom, Seesaw, and ClassDojo. 

  5. How to see students' responses from a 'Homework Assignment': (To Be Revised): 
  6. How to use Pear Deck during a live lesson (presenting, using the Dashboard, seeing student's answers, and sharing students' work):

How to Use the Different Pear Deck Tools

Student's responses are kept confidential.  Students do not see each other's work and students are working on their own slides.  They can not 'mess up' everyone else's slides.

Students respond through a text box.
Students choice from a multiple choice menu.

Students type in or use arrows to choice the

Students work on a website while not leaving the

Students draw using pencil, highlighter,
or a text box on the slide.

Students use predetermined icons to drag
onto the slide.

Teacher records directions for students to listen to.