Sunday, March 17, 2019

Tips and Tricks with Kami

Here are some tips and tricks for using Kami in your classroom...

Taking Notes

  • Use the grayed areas on the side to scroll up and down.
  • Click on the gray area after selecting a new tool to move the toolbar out of the way.

File Management Tips

  • Creating 'Copies' of an Assessment
    1. From Kami, access the assessment from Google Drive.
    2. Once open, click on the OPEN FILE icon (top right).
    3. Click on VIEW ALL (at the bottom of the menu).
    4. Click CREATE A NEW COPY.     (It will create a copy in your Kami Uploads Folder).
    5. At the top of the screen, click on the crazy file name and change it to what you like.
    6. The file is initially saved in the Kami Uploads folder.  You can go into Google Drive and drag it into whatever folder you like!
      • ****This is great for Concepts of Print, Letter ID, F&P Summary Forms, Sight Words, Conferring Notes, Lesson Plans, etc because you can easily toggle between files.  Just follow steps 1-3.  Then instead of creating a new copy, click on the file you would like!****
  • F&P's
    • File Name - List the Date, Level, F/NF, Instruction/Indepedent, Student Name.  It will order your files chronologically in Drive for you :).
  • Finding Files in Google Drive from Kami - Click NAME to sort files ABC, click LAST MODIFIED to sort files newest to oldest.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Accessing Dreambox at Home through Clever for Students


If you would like your students to log-in to Dreambox through Clever, click this link!  Students will be able to log in to Clever with the same username and password as what they use to log in to Chromebooks.  Once in, students will be able to click the Dreambox icon and be able to play Dreambox!  The Google Doc is setup to be sent home for parents.

Changing from Default Theme to Early Learning Theme in Pearson Realize

If you would like a simpler view for your students, try changing your classroom's theme from Default View to Early Learning Theme:

Default Theme

Early Learning Theme

  1. From the Home Screen, click on "Classes."
  2. Under your Math class, select "Class Settings."
  3. Scroll down and select "Early Learning Theme."
  4. Click "Save" on the bottom of the screen.

Using Math Investigations Online Components with Students on Chromebooks

     Here's some information about using Math Investigations online resources (through Pearson Realize) using the Chromebooks.

    • What can kids do here?  What do they have access to?
      • Students will have access to all instructional resources (as in the workbook pages for lessons and any demonstration activities) for all Investigations units within their grade level.
What a student sees when they go to a lesson...

Example of what a student has access to...
      • Students will have access to digital Math Tools.
      • Students can access any assignments (lessons, worksheets, or games) under the Classes link that you assign through Pearson Realize and submit them.

      • Students can see grades / feedback on assessments you give and grade through Pearson Realize.  

Sorry! No assessment features in Kindergarten to take a picture of!

****What to change the view to be more kid friendly?  Click here to learn how to change the view from Default to Early Learner View!****