Thursday, August 10, 2017

New Classroom Website - Summer 2017!

     I've launched a new classroom website!  Please update your bookmarks if you had any of my old pages bookmarked.  Google Sites has launched a new platform for their web building tools.  The old Google sites will no longer be supported sometime in 2018-2019.  With my old building closing and our district changing website providers this summer, I decided to go ahead and make the switch this summer.  Click here to visit the my new Mr. Mott's Kindergarten website!  I will not be deleting the old website, but also will not be updating its content either.  The new website has a more modern look and more user friendly.  It does allow me to add content more easily then the old Google Sites.  Also, the website will be able to use on any device compared to the old Google Sites.

Launch of Teachers Pay Teachers Store

       I've launched Mr. Mott's K Store on Teachers Pay Teachers!  Click here to visit my new store!  To start out, I've posted lesson plans and materials to use in the classroom.  After the school year gets going, you will see some technology based activities on my TpT page like using QR Codes with LA and Math activities, flipcharts, and data management.