Sunday, September 13, 2015

ST Math - Teacher Mode

    Teacher Mode allows teachers to choose any activity and use it to teach a lesson, model how to do an activity, or for a student to see what they did.  You can pause the game and rewind to show an animation of what a student did for them to see what they did and how to fix their mistake.  Click here for a PDF with pictures and further information from ST Math.

To access while a student is playing:

  1. Triple click on the bottom right corner of the student's screen.
  2. Put in your user name and password.
  3. You then have 3 options:
    1. Play back student actions - replays what the student did.
      1. Puzzle icons on the right  will let you know which puzzles a student solved correctly and which puzzles were solved incorrectly.
      2. Use the rewind, play, and fast forward buttons to review student's actions.
      3. When completed, you will be asked if you want the student to receive credit from their work (move on) or have them do the puzzle again in regular mode before awarding credit.
    2. Redo the puzzle - use this to repeat the puzzle.
    3. Cancel