Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bloomboard - End of Year Summative - Reflective Questions

Copy paste these questions into Word.  Type your answers, then copy paste the answers back into the boxes.  After you have entered your answers into Bloomboard, click SAVE DRAFT at the bottom.  When ready, click SHARE in the black bar on the bottom of the screen to share with your evaluator.  Click here for a PDF Karen Bryer sent out from Bloomboard to help aid teachers with End of Year Summative Conferences.

BOX 1: Student Growth and Development:  

Results of each SLO indicator (IAGD) with evidence:   

A.) Provide your overall self-assessment of whether each SLO indicator (IAGD) was met (based on the results of your identified IAGD). Use the ratings:

  • Did Not Meet
  • Partially met
  • Met
  • Exceeded
  • Does not apply

B.) Provide evidence for each indicator (IAGD) by describing what you did that produced the results. Describe what you learned and how you will use the results of the IAGD going forward.

BOX 2: Performance and Practice:  Describe what progress you made in your performance and practice focus area throughout the year and what supports would better enable you to make further progress going forward. 

    BOX 3: Parent or Peer Feedback:  Provide evidence for the Peer or Parent feedback component below by describing what you did that produced positive outcomes or resulted in achievement toward a specified goal or strategy.  Describe what you learned throughout this year and how you will use the results of the Peer or Parent feedback going forward.

    BOX 4: Whole School Measures of Student Learning or Student Feedback:  Whole-School Measures of Student Learning or Student Feedback (5%)  Space is provided below for you to reflect on how you've contributed to this component.