Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Finding Apps for iPads, Tablets, and Other Devices

As iPad's are beginning to be used more and more in schools, there has been interest in what apps are out there.  Here are some links to sites that act as directories of Apps....
Apps Links (in ABC Order)
  • Apps for Education Blog
    • Lists of apps organized by content or use.
  • Appictic - Some interesting webinars on how to use iPad's in the classroom.
    • Lists of Apps by subject, Bloom's Taxonomy, SPED, Physical Education, etc.
    • Webinars on how to use iPads in the classroom
  • Common Sense Graphite - Good Resource!
    • Requires login - can use Groton Google account to sign up.
    • Searchable directory of apps reviewed by teachers.
    • Able to find apps organized by Common Core standards.
    • Can sign up for emails about new apps and or sites that can be used in the classroom.
  • EASTCONN Assistive Technology Handout (PDF)
    • PDF document of apps listing price and description of the app for grades 5-12.
  • EdTechTeacher
    • Find apps by mobile device or learning activity.
  • "Edutopia: Mobile Devices for Learning - What You Need to Know" PDF Article
    • Article about using mobile devices in the classroom.
    • Gives some suggestions for some helpful apps.
  • iPads in Education
    • Site created to explore ways iPads and other devices can be used in Education. 
    • Includes blogs, discussion posts, tutorials/videos, and lists of recommended apps.
  • iPads 4 Teaching (from Kathy Shrock) - Good Resource!
    • Lists activities and ideas for using iPads in the classroom.
    • Includes lists of recommended apps.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Design Mode Tooltip Hints (Removing them)

If you get annoyed with the yellow box with tool tip hints popping up when using the Promethean Board, here's how to get rid of it...

  1. Click on EDIT.
  2. Go to the bottom of the list and click DESIGN MODE SETTINGS.
  3. Click on the Settings tab.
  4. On the left side, click DESIGN MODE.
  5. At the bottom of the list, un-check the box next to SHOW DESIGN MODE TOOL TIP HINTS.